1st Place, Academics Photo
2023-24, Division 1, Yearbook Visual
By Kyra Nicholas
The Charger
H. H. Dow HS
Y-20. Academics Photo
A photo that depicts students in a learning situation either in or out of class. You must include the caption, or the entry will be disqualified. Photos should not be cut-outs/cobbed. Photos will be judged on the quality of the photo as printed and how it was used in the publication.
Judging Criteria
- Photo has strong storytelling content
- Photo has been effectively cropped to emphasize center of interest and enhance content
- Photo is technically strong
- in focus
- proper contrast
- not too grainy or muddy
- Photographer paid attention to rules of composition
- Attracts, holds reader’s attention
- Avoids distracting back/foreground
- Candid, rather than posed photo
- Captures a moment showing action, interaction or emotion