1st Place, Sports Feature Story or Package
2021-22, Division 2, Video Journalism
By Karson Schroeder & Jacob Weldon
Mountie Nation Station
Northwest HS
VJ-07. Sports Feature Story or Package
This is a single story that should inform or instruct about an athletics-related topic. For example, showing what it’s like to be a swimmer. Entries should go beyond the surface facts. They might include detailed background information. They may appeal to the emotions of the viewer with inspiration, motivation, pathos or humor. The angle is less immediate than hard news. Stories may be longer-form, and they may be less formally structured than a sports news package. Good interviews and sound bites are a must-have. Lower thirds are important for identification.
Judging Criteria
- Is the writing clear, concise and conversational? Does the reporter use active voice and present tense? Does the script complement the visuals?
- Is it clear? Is there any audio distortion? Was the appropriate mic used? Is the mic properly placed? Is there a “popping” sound from the reporter? Does the audio fit the action/pace of the video? Is the volume consistent?
- Is there obvious use of a tripod or is the video shaky? If no tripod was used, was it appropriate to shoot handheld? Is the color consistent? Have the shots been white-balanced? Are there different angles for a variety of shots? Are the shots framed well without cutting out important information? Do the shots have good lighting? Do shots “cross the line/axis”?
- Is there an overuse of transitions? Does the piece have a good pace & flow? Are there any errors in continuity and/or screen direction? Are there any lagging lulls and/or jump cuts? Are any of your shots/scenes unnecessary?
GRAPHICS/CG (if any)
- Is the text a good size, good color, and within the safe title area? Does the text appear long enough for the audience to read? Does the graphic(s) have any spelling/grammar errors? Are graphics/chromakeys clean?