1st Place, Informative Feature
2021-22, Division 2, Video Journalism
By Aaron King
Mountie Nation Station
Northwest HS
VJ-03. Informative Feature
This is a single story that informs or instructs. It should go beyond surface-level facts; information should be obtained from research and interviews. It should capture the audience’s attention and arouse curiosity. The topic should be relevant to interests and/or welfare of school or students. These stories may include interviews, sound bites, voice-overs, dramatizations, graphics, b-roll and stand-ups. Lower thirds are important for identification.
Judging Criteria
- Is the writing clear, concise and conversational? Does the reporter use active voice and present tense? Does the script complement the visuals?
- Is it clear? Is there any audio distortion? Was the appropriate mic used? Is the mic properly placed? Is there a “popping” sound from the reporter? Does the audio fit the action/pace of the video? Is the volume consistent?
- Is there obvious use of a tripod or is the video shaky? If no tripod was used, was it appropriate to shoot handheld? Is the color consistent? Have the shots been white-balanced? Are there different angles for a variety of shots? Are the shots framed well without cutting out important information? Do the shots have good lighting? Do shots “cross the line/axis”?
- Is there an overuse of transitions? Does the piece have a good pace & flow? Are there any errors in continuity and/or screen direction? Are there any lagging lulls and/or jump cuts? Are any of your shots/scenes unnecessary?
GRAPHICS/CG (if any)
- Is the text a good size, good color, and within the safe title area? Does the text appear long enough for the audience to read? Does the graphic(s) have any spelling/grammar errors? Are graphics/chromakeys clean?