By Olivia Jacobson, Ally Guibord & Staff
Sandusky Jr.-Sr. HS
1st Place
Division 4, Yearbook Visual
Y-18. Graphics
One spread illustrating contemporary use of graphics. Most often this includes elements created using Photoshop, Illustrator or similar programs. Submit a single PDF or image file of the page(s). FOR SPREADS (a spread is two facing pages), if possible save your entry as a spread, creating a single horizontal page out of two vertical pages. Otherwise, the judges may not see both pages of your spread together and will not get the full impact of your design. If there are multiple graphics on the page, clearly indicate in the Additional Information field which graphic you wish judged.
- Graphics add to spread content and design
- Use of graphics shows evidence of careful planning and clear purpose: to unify, separate, emphasize or direct
- While graphic use may be innovative, the staff adheres to journalistic guidelines
- Graphics are not used simply to decorate or fill space