By Tess Crowley
The Occidentalist
Traverse City West Senior HS
1st Place Division 1, Digital Media
Photo Slideshow with Audio
- Is there original content?
- Is there a clear message or purpose?
- Is there a strong relationship between the slides and audio?
- Does the package stand on its own or add something relevant to a related story?
- Entry includes least five photos on related theme; pictures work together to tell the story
- Shots are varied and demonstrate appropriate use of wide, medium and closeup shots, portraits, action shots, detail shots, etc., to tell the story.
- Photos are arranged in a logical order, with attention given to a shot to set the scene and a closing shot to end the story.
- Effective cropping to center of interest
- Clear, sharp details
- Attracts, holds reader’s attention
- Is audio clear?
- Does the voiceover compete with natural sound or music?
- Is music (if used) appropriate for the subject matter?
- Is the volume consistent?