By Brendan Murray & Lincoln Judge
Cavalier Corner
East Hills MS
1st Place
Division MS, News Writing
In-Depth Feature
Music makes us feel happy. When we are sad, we listen to music to cheer us up. When we’re feeling tired, we listen to music to pump us up. Music is the one thing which can unite each and every person in the world. Many students and teachers believe music helps them focus in and out of school.
“I believe it helps me to focus,” Ian Isaacson (7) says. Ian isn’t alone either. Many students feel that music is extremely beneficial during the school day. “It blocks out distracting noises, and helps me to focus,” Kavya Desai (8) says.
Science has shown that music can have a positive impact on how well people are able to focus. Students here at East Hills and other schools around the country find it easier to focus when they are listening to music rather than when they are not.
Additionally, music has the ability to change your mood. If you are in a bad mood, you can listen to some upbeat, energetic music to help you fell more happy. If you’re feeling tired, you could listen to energetic, fast music, and that might wake you and and get you pumped up.
“If changes your mood for the better,” states Mr. Leitcz, East Hills P.E. teachers, who often plays music in gym class to get his students excited and pumped up for that day’s physical activities.
Music also has the power to relax you. If you’re feeling stressed out or angry, you can listen to music to try and relax yourself. Often listening to music will help. It can help you calm down and feel less angry, or relieve all your stress, and just make you feel generally relaxed.
Lastly, music is inspiring. Music has a special ability that in unlike anything else to make you feel happy. Depending on the type of songs you listen to, music can be very energetic and upbeat, and be very fun to listen to.
In conclusion, music is extremely beneficial. It can help you to focus without and out of school, it can change your mood for the better, it can relax you and help you to calm down and relieve stress, and it is inspiring.
People all around the world love listening to music for all its great qualities, whether it’s listening to music in algebra class to help block out distracting noises and focus on the fiftey problems your math teach just gave you, or to relieve all your stress.
Music is an amazing thing and everyone on earth can find the benefits in listening to music.